Keep Up with the Latest News from the SME Trade Academy!Dear Guest, |
We hope that you have had the opportunity to complete some of the courses available on the SME Trade Academy and become one of the 500,000 learners on our e-learning platform. We are excited to announce new courses that are now available this month. You can access them for free by visiting our course catalogue or by using the links below. We hope that you will take full advantage of this learning opportunity. We look forward to seeing you soon! Upcoming courses on the SME Trade Academy in November 2023. |
New course in English: Commercializing Botanical Products in the European Union As the largest economy in the world, the EU represents an attractive export market for producers of botanical products, whether in the medicinal, cosmetic or food categories. In this course, we will teach you how to successfully go through the steps to commercialize your own products in the EU. Read moreStart date: To be announced... Duration: 4 hours E-Commerce for your B2B Business This course introduces participants to the opportunities and challenges of becoming involved in B2B e-commerce. It begins with a description of the various reasons why a B2B business might choose to start selling online, before moving on to compare the different channels that it could use to do so. Read moreStart date: 4, November 2024 Duration: 4 hours over 2 weeks Empresas Propiedad de Mujeres y Contratación El presente curso destaca el importante rol jugado por las mujeres en la economía y presenta la necesidad de mejorar la actual situación de las empresas de propiedad de mujeres, a través de las compras públicas. Read moreStart date: 11, November 2024 Duration: 4 horas en 2 semanas Introduction to Resource Efficiency and Circular Production for SMEs This course will inform you about the benefits that saving resources, such as energy, water or waste, can offer to your company – both in term of saving costs, developing new business opportunities – and enhancing your company’s environmental footprint. Read moreStart date: 11, November 2024 Duration: 8 hours over 2 weeks Introduction à la Blockchain pour le Commerce Ce cours présente la technologie blockchain aux participants et leur permet d’avoir une compréhension de base de ses principales caractéristiques. Il met évidence la valeur commerciale de la blockchain et l’importance de la technologie pour le commerce international. Read moreStart date: To be announced... Duration: 4 heures sur 2 semaines Introduction to Exporting Coffee In the international coffee business, credibility is essential when it comes to speaking with buyers, including importers and roasters. These potential buyers frequently receive unsolicited requests and samples from enterprises, small cooperatives and farmers groups that wish to “move up the value chain”. Read moreStart date: To be announced... Duration: 4 hours over 2 weeks Raising Funds for Your Business With a target audience of SMEs and entrepreneurs, this course gives participants an overview of the processes involved in raising various kinds of funds for their activities. Read moreStart date: 25, November 2024 Duration: 4 hours over 2 weeks Organizing and Implementing Inward and Outward Investment Promotion Missions This course, aimed at professionals working in Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs), is designed to teach the fundamentals of preparing for and delivering both inward and outward investment promotion missions. Read moreStart date: To be announced... Duration: 4 hours over 2 weeks To discover more upcoming courses, access our Catalogue now! |
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